
Twitter for Musicians

As a musician or band, using Twitter to gain followers and release information can be extremely valuable.  However, if your like me, you have seen some of those Twitter posts using # (Hashtags) and had no idea what they meant.  Below is a short Lynda.Com video, explaining the Hashtag and making the most effective use of them.    This video is titled, […]

Beginners Guide to your Audio Interface

Beginners guide to your audio interface   If you are new to recording, and specifically recording on your computer, buying and learning your setup can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task. What is an audio interface?  Why do I need one?  Can’t I just record straight into my computer??  What are these “Eye/Ohh’s” everyone keeps […]

5 Things I wish I knew when I started my home recording studio

5 Things I wish I knew, when I started my home recording studio: 1 Buy gear with future expansion in mind.  This includes I/O needs. 2 Save money to buy better gear: Do not buy gear blindly because it is cheap, buy gear that will do what you need it to do.  If you buy cheap […]